Dynamic Images

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How to use

First, open the Message-Editor of a supported configuration option. Then, enable the image-generation-option:

Finally, open the Image-Editor:

You can now start editing your custom images.


Background-Images should be 700x300.

Supported messages

  • Custom-Commands
  • Welcome & Boosts: Welcome-Messages
  • Levels: Level-Up-Messages
  • Birthdays: Birthday-Message

We're continually adding support for more messages.


Currently available fonts (click on them to view a preview on Google Fonts):

To suggest a font, please use the FeatureBoard and make sure it has an open license.


Sometimes image generation might fail. In such cases, the bot will attach a red images with an error message (view an example).

Error message Reason for error What to do
SCNX Image Generation API returned an invalid Status-Code This usually happens when our image generation service returns an unexpected error code. Wait a few minutes and try re-running the command or action. Check your dashboard if a new Custom-Bot-Version is availible. If yes, restart your bot to apply the changes. If this doesn't help, check the status of the image generation service on our Status Page. If the status is online, please contact our Support
This server got rate-limited from the Image Generation API (Fair-Use-Policy) Due to the high server load required for image generations, we set limits for the amount of images we generate in a specific timeframe. Your server hit these limits and can't generate an image for a while. These limits are designed to not affect most servers - servers with a paid plan have higher limits than severs on the Starter-Plan. Try again in 5-10 minutes or upgrade your plan to increase the rate-limit for your server. Make sure that none of your users are spamming ressource intensitve commands.
No resources available for image generation for guilds with free plans. Upgrade your plan or try again later. We limit the amount of server-ressources availible for guilds without a payed SCNX-Plan at a time. This allows us, to prioritize our paying customers, while still offering basic service for everyone. You can try again in a few minutes or upgrade your plan to get prioritized in the future

Submit your designs for the public library

A lot of configuration fields support the public library. Users can import images from this library with just a few clicks. These images are ready-to-use and created by third-party designers.

To submit your design,
1. Create an organisation on SCNX
2. (optional) Enable payouts on your organisation to allow users to donate credits to your organisation
3. Click on "Dynamic Images" in your organization sitebard
4. Here, you can review your submitted images and submit new ones. To submit a new design, click "Submit new image"
5. Fill out the details and upload your design to SCNX.
6. Once our team has reviewed your submissions, it will be displayed to users in the public library.

When submitting designs, please keep our Terms of Service and Content Guidelines in mind. We'll grant you the "SCNX Designer" role, allowing access to special channels on our Discord, once one or more of your submissions were approved by ScootKit staff.